REPACTED: Forum for Behavior Change
Rapid Effective Participatory Action in Community Theatre Education and Development
REPACTED’s mission is to define ourselves, shape our experiences, identify our strengths, tackle our challenges and celebrate our successes.
REPACTED is a community based youth to youth organization fully registered with the department of culture under the Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture, and Social Services.
REPACTED is composed of highly qualified youth and community volunteers who form a multi –disciplinary team encompassing the field of behaviour change communication including theatre for development, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, sexuality, gender issues, drugs and substance abuse. The team contains strong field experience and profound knowledge of the local community and their cultural behaviors.
REPACTED was formed in the year 2001 by youth theatre artists from the Nakuru Players Theatre Club within the Impact Project of the Family Health International (FHI) under the technical assistance of the Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health-Kenya (PATH- Kenya). The youth thespians formed the organization with an aim of improving their community by encouraging young people to make informed decisions and to involve them in community development. They achieve this by volunteering their theatrical skills and talents in participatory theatre methodologies, awareness campaigns and peer education and counseling.
REPACTED initiative seeks to address a range of youth development issues directly associated with HIV/AIDS: sexuality, abstinence, negotiation skills, gender issues, relationships, reproductive health, safer sexual practices and methods of protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Activities that improve knowledge attitude, skills and behaviours are organized in several settings, from learning institution to communities and special circumstance institutions, targeting youth between the ages of 15 – 24 as partners, allies, and agents of change.
Past and Current Initiatives, Collaborations, and Awards:
-APHIA II Project – funded by USAID June ’07 - Present
-Impact Project with FHI – Behavior Change Communication funded by USAID 2001-2004
-Abstinence and Behavior Change for Youth with ADRA-Kenya (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) funded by USAID 2003 - Present
-School and Prison Outreaches funded by the MTV Staying Alive Foundation. June ’07-Present
-Peace Tiles with Peace Tiles Global Project 2006 – Present
-New York Film Festivals ‘Best Finalist – Short Stories’ for a film about gender inequality
-Collaborations with
-Founding Member elected to the national CACC (Constituency AIDS Control Committee)
-Over 800 Community Theatrical Outreaches since 2001
Contact: Collins Dennis Oduor +254721637457,